Why Texas’ mass power outages continue to happen

"...building power plants and changing the electricity market takes time, and the grid’s fragility remained clear as grid operators last summer repeatedly asked people to use less power. .... Then came a bombshell this year when grid operators said power demand could nearly double in six years. After that, Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said they wanted to add $5 billion more to that pot of money to get more gas-fueled plants built." That's why we think Texas should give the new demand an alternative to adding to the grid's fragility. If Texas allowed the creation of new islanded and unregulated utilities, the new demand might be tempted to move there. And the grid operators can focus on the existing problems without worrying about massive demand growth. We call it Consumer Regulated Electricity (CRE). Contact us to learn more.



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Latta, Matsui Introduce Bill to Strengthen Grid Security, Resiliency