What is Consumer Regulated Electricity? Why do we need it? How do we get it?

Electricity is trapped in a century old paradigm. It’s heavily regulated and centrally coordinated. So it’s slow to change.

Demand for electricity is growing rapidly. So are the consumer requirements. No longer does a single product satisfy all consumers. Many of today’s consumers need faster access to supply and greater options. We need to break the old paradigm.

Enter Consumer Regulated Electricity (CRE): New, unregulated suppliers operating outside of the regulated grid will be able to bring the benefits of speed and innovation. CRE suppliers can supply one or bundle several new large loads, regulated only by their customers and their contractual arrangements.

Establishing CRE requires new state policy, to allow CRE suppliers to operate without oversight by the state utility regulator.

Advocates For Consumer Regulated Electricity is working to make CRE a reality.