Latta, Matsui Introduce Bill to Strengthen Grid Security, Resiliency

"Today, Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH5) and Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA7) introduced the Securing Community Upgrades for a Resilient Grid Act, or SECURE Grid Act, which will empower states to fully assess the risks posed to the electric grid by weather, physical and cyber-attacks, and other vulnerabilities." One easy way to start reducing the risks to the grid is by unleashing the free market. No "design" has ever beaten the power of a free market to provide the best products and services at the lowest cost. After a century of heavy regulation, it's time to allow for the creation of new unregulated utilities. And wait - it gets better! The government doesn't have to use taxpayer money. We call it Consumer Regulated Electricity (CRE). Contact us to learn more.


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