Data Center Electricity Use II: How Are Electrons Like Fish?

There is a fundamental mismatch between the timing of new electricity demand and the timing of new electricity supply which is locked in place by regulation. Per the linked article (which I highly recommend reading), the timing mismatch could be a decade or more! That's why the creation of new independent and unregulated electric utilities is necessary to achieve the benefits of continued growth. This is what we're calling Consumer Regulated Electricity (CRE). Interested? Let's talk!
" - Building a data center requires high capital expenditure and takes 18-24 months." [That's the timing of new demand.]
" - Building new electricity infrastructure (generation, poles, wires, transformers) requires high capital expenditure and in the current regulatory and business structure takes up to 10 or even 20 years." [This is part of the timing of new supply.]
" - New resource interconnection with a regional transmission grid can take on average 3.5 years in ERCOT in Texas and up to 6 or more years in other regions."  [This is also part of the timing of new supply.]


PNW data center boom could imperil power supply within 5 years


Consumer Regulated Electricity: The Path to Faster, Reliable Power Solutions?