5 Top Topics You Should Know | This Week's Economy Ep. 70

"Texas is one of the most vibrant and attractive states in the United States, but the electricity market presents significant challenges. Texas must refine its energy strategies, emphasizing market-driven solutions like unleashing nuclear power and ending tax breaks and low-interest loans to energy companies to ensure a level playing field. Moreover, the state should deregulate the electricity market and remove barriers creating monopolies like CenterPoint Energy for a competitive electricity market. We should also acknowledge government failures of not only creating the monopoly in Houston but also the lack of removing debris and receiving federal funds for so many natural disasters when Texas would be better served dealing with these situations in civil society, where Texans can help Texans and get government out of the way. By championing policies that reduce government involvement and promote market activity, Texas can strengthen its infrastructure to support its growing population and sustain its status as a beacon of prosperity and freedom."

We at Advocates for Consumer Regulated Electricity agree that a freer market is exactly what's needed. We recognize doing the path to doing this within the current regulated structure is not obvious. But allowing for the creation of new, islanded, and unregulated utilities IS straightforward and a significant step towards a brighter future. For Texas, and all states.



Free to Choose: A Personal Statement


Get Ready to Pay More for Less-Reliable Electricity