How the US Power Grid Became a Mess—Just When We Need It Most

"The US power grid is under stress. Outages are much more common than they were two decades ago, even as electricity consumption has remained little changed. .... That would be enough of a national problem by itself. But utilities are also under pressure to satisfy a growing need to connect renewable energy sources, which requires building even more transmission lines to carry electricity and more substations to regulate voltage. And electricity consumption is suddenly climbing—or is about to—in large parts of the country."

State policymakers - One easy policy change would be to allow for the creation of new islanded and unregulated utilities. They could take on some of the consumption growth and allow the regulators to focus on the existing problems. We call it Consumer Regulated Electricity (CRE).

Data centers - You could get faster access to new electricity supplies and get exactly the level of reliability that you want via CRE.

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How the US Power Grid Became a Mess—Just When We Need It Most


Data centers can drive revenues for Dominion, Pinnacle West, Southern, but there are risks: Moody’s