Grid connection backlog grows by 30% in 2023, dominated by requests for solar, wind, and energy storage

"...this growing backlog has become a major bottleneck for project development: proposed projects are mired in lengthy and uncertain interconnection study processes.... Interconnection requests now typically take more than 3 years to complete the requisite grid impact studies in most regions.... The timeline from the initial connection request to having a fully built and operational plant has increased from <2 years for projects built in 2000-2007 to more than 4 years for those built in 2018-2023." We need an additional path forward - Consumer Regulated Electricity (CRE). CRE would give us new independent unregulated and COMPETITIVE utilities that can move quickly and innovate. If you need faster access to new electricity supplies, you need CRE.


Consumer Regulated Electricity: The Path to Faster, Reliable Power Solutions?


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