How can we be certain that Consumer Regulated Electricity or CRE (new, independent, and unregulated electric utilities) will bring unimaginable innovation to the sector? Consider the example of Dynamic Line Rating or DLR which is explained in the linked FIVE YEAR OLD report. Per Wikipedia, efforts to explore DLR began in the 1990s. TWENTY TO THIRTY years later, FERC began exploring DLR. I thought that FERC had recently finalized its rule for DLR, but that's still several months away. I assume that each FERC jurisdictional transmission utility will then need to incorporate DLR into their operations. So we're talking decades on one innovation? (Not to mention the innovations that never saw the light of day because they didn't have the right political force behind them.)

In the case of CRE, if there's material value in DLR, then the CRE utilities would quickly experiment and adopt DLR in their operations. Moreover, CRE utilities would quickly move on to the next innovation, and so on and so on. After a few short years, the operation of a CRE utility could be start to look like a completely different industry from the regulated sector.

We've lost a century of innovation and speed in the electricity sector. Let's change that by adopting CRE now. Contact us to learn more.



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