We can have faster

development of electricity.

Consumer Regulated Electricity is the way.

More speed.

More innovation.

Much of our current electricity regulatory structure is more than a century old. It’s hindering the speed and innovation that today's market requires. To meet market needs, we must allow for a new type of energy supplier, one that operates independently from the regulated grid. This would enable them to develop new energy supplies faster while reducing the growing stress on the regulated grid.

Meet the Team

Glen Lyons
Founder and Chief Advocate

Glen Lyons brings 40 years of energy experience to ACRE. He retired from Exxon Mobil Corporation in 2022 after working in many parts of the corporation before concluding as the leader for electricity policy and regulatory advocacy. He also proudly served as a member of the ERCOT Board of Directors for three years. In 2023, Glen and Travis wrote a paper titled, In Search of a Market to Improve Reliability in the U.S. Electricity Sector, in which they first developed the vision for CRE.

Travis Fisher

Travis Fisher is the director of energy and environmental policy studies at the Cato Institute. He has nearly 20 years of experience in energy policy, including leadership roles at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Institute for Energy Research, Department of Energy, Electricity Consumers Resource Council, and Heritage Foundation.

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